I primi aggiustamenti alla carrozzeria, con i vari fori. |
Definizione dei contorni vetri... |
...che ora sono netti e precisi. La preparazione della scocca avviene con della carta vetrata 600 per non rigare la resina. |
Taglio e sostituzione delle maniglie. |
Le lenti di little43 mi sarebbero molto utili.
The only major problem with the PM resin kits are the wheels. This kit may be an exception but sourcing wheels from others may be a benefit.
RispondiEliminaRight, but in this case Renaissance wheels are too big and Sprint 43 ones are too flat as far as the central photo etched part is concerned. So we decided to retain PM wheels, which are not too bad in this kit after all.
RispondiEliminaWell then they deserve a little profile work at least. An easy solution that takes away the flatness that I have objected to with the PM wheels. These Porsche's do look pretty decent when completed. With JF Alberca at the helm I can only imagine a stunning example.